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Storebrand Asset Management

Storebrand Asset Management is a leading asset manager in the Nordic region with approximately €108 billion (Q4 2023) in assets under management, providing cutting-edge sustainable investment solutions. Through ingenuity and integrity, we are constantly pushing boundaries to help clients build future-proof investment portfolios.

Our belief
To us, sustainable investing is about value creation. We take a holistic and integrated approach to ESG, aiming for real impact and long-term value creation. As long-term stewards of capital, we aim to deliver value beyond return, cultivating long-term financial value, a thriving society and a healthy planet.

Customized and dynamic asset management
Our multi-boutique business model provides a holistic approach to investing, offering customized and dynamic asset management. The model allows us to adapt to shifting investment markets, and to our client’s evolving investment demands and objectives. You will get a single point of access to our world-class investment boutiques and expertise in: Fixed income, Equities, Alternative investments such as Real Estate, Infrastructure and Private Equity.Storebrand Asset Management has strong analytical capacity across all asset classes, sectors, and companies. Portfolio managers and analysts are located in Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen and share a centralized platform, which is supported by external analysis, contact networks and data providers. As the largest private asset management firm in Norway, we benefit from a broad network of contacts and specialist data providers. Our investment teams have access to wide-ranging sources of information and external analysis, which they then analyze and process alongside proprietary research to maximize value creation for our clients.

Client Executive
Philip Svendsen
+47 46819289

Client Executive
Michel Ommeganck
Mobile: +47 905 98 412
E-mail: michel.ommeganck@storebrand.no

Learn more:
Storebrand Asset Management – www.storebrand.com

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