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PRI releases new reporting framework

Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) have published a new reporting framework, responding to feedback from signatories. The most recent revision of the reporting framework incorporates suggestions made during the 2021 pilot reporting year.


Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) have published a new reporting framework, responding to feedback from signatories. The most recent revision of the reporting framework incorporates suggestions made during the 2021 pilot reporting year.

The 2023 Reporting Framework seeks to improve the way in which signatories report activities in responsible investment. To assist signatories in understanding the reporting resources at their disposal and in getting ready for the start of the reporting cycle, which begins in mid-May, the new framework includes an overview and structure guide.

Signatories expressed concerns about the consistency and applicability of the reporting and in response, the PRI stated that it had “adjusted logic paths or assessment criteria” to make sure that certain groups of signatories weren’t penalised for being unable to adopt certain practices that weren’t applicable to them.

The Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, and the International Sustainability Standards Board are just a few of the industry reporting frameworks that the PRI claimed it has better aligned its framework with.

In order to lessen the reporting burden on signatories, the new framework has also reduced the level of detail in the data requested and the overall number of indicators businesses are required to report on.


Read more: https://impact-investor.com/pri-releases-new-reporting-framework-in-response-to-feedback-from-signatories/

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