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Hedge funds struggle as volatile markets derail trend-based strategies

Hedge funds specializing in trend-following strategies are facing a challenging year, struggling to replicate their successful performance of 2022.  

Hedge funds specializing in trend-following strategies are facing a challenging year, struggling to replicate their successful performance of 2022. 

These funds, known as commodity trading advisers (CTAs), including prominent names like Leda Braga’s Systematica and Lynx Asset Management, have experienced losses of nearly 10% year-to-date. The abrupt swings in asset prices and the unpredictable shifts in investor expectations for interest rates have disrupted their balance. 

CTAs rely on sophisticated algorithms and vast computing power to identify and capitalize on prevailing market trends. Last year, these strategies reaped substantial profits as commodities surged and stocks and government debt saw significant declines. However, this year’s turmoil in global interest rates and unforeseen market movements, such as the spike in European natural gas prices, have posed significant challenges for these trend followers. 

Market volatility and rapid reversals have taken a toll on major players in the industry. Systematica, managing around $17 billion in assets, saw its Bluetrend fund lose 9.6% year-to-date after a 30% gain last year. Similarly, Lynx Asset Management, with $7 billion under management, experienced a 9.3% decline in one of its main funds, following a 36.8% gain in 2022. 

The unexpected nature of this year’s market movements has confounded these trend-following strategies. Trend followers typically rely on persistent and clear trends to generate profits, making the current market environment challenging for them. Unpredictable shifts in interest rates and sudden market reversals have made it difficult for these funds to maintain their previous success. 

While some firms have tried to adjust their strategies in response to changing conditions, the unpredictability of the markets has made it challenging to achieve consistent gains. The industry’s focus on trend-following has made it vulnerable to abrupt shifts in market sentiment and economic indicators, highlighting the difficulties inherent in these strategies during periods of high uncertainty. 

Read more: https://on.ft.com/3YSyisg 

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