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Survey: Global investors struggle with cost management challenges

A recent asset owner survey conducted by bfinance, an independent global investment consultancy, reveals that investors worldwide are facing difficulties in managing costs amidst persistent inflation, increased ESG requirements, and regulatory burdens.  

A recent asset owner survey conducted by bfinance, an independent global investment consultancy, reveals that investors worldwide are facing difficulties in managing costs amidst persistent inflation, increased ESG requirements, and regulatory burdens. 

The Investors’ Costs and Fees report, based on data from nearly 200 asset owners across 22 countries, highlights a decline in management fees but an increase in other costs such as ad-hoc charges and fund servicing.  

Transparency and comparability issues remain widespread, leaving many investors dissatisfied. With rising costs, high interest rates, and market volatility, investors are seeking better value for money without compromising strategic goals.  

The survey sheds light on the views of the investor community during this challenging period, emphasizing the need for cost transparency and comparability to enhance value for investors. 

Read more: https://institutionalassetmanager.co.uk/bfinance-investor-snap-poll-inflation-esg-requirements-and-regulations-contribute-to-cost-management-challenges/ 

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