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Robeco rolls out senior loan fund

Asset management firm Robeco has launched the Robeco Sustainable Senior Loan Fund (SLF), its second closed-ended private debt fund designed to integrate sustainability into private debt investments. The SLF has raised €130 million, including a significant commitment from ORIX Corporation Europe, Robeco’s parent company. Fundraising will continue throughout 2023 and 2024, targeting professional and institutional investors. 


Asset management firm Robeco has launched the Robeco Sustainable Senior Loan Fund (SLF), its second closed-ended private debt fund designed to integrate sustainability into private debt investments. The SLF has raised €130 million, including a significant commitment from ORIX Corporation Europe, Robeco’s parent company. Fundraising will continue throughout 2023 and 2024, targeting professional and institutional investors.  

The SLF aims to capitalize on the ongoing shift from bank lending to alternative lenders by investing in sustainability-screened small and mid-sized companies in economically strong, lender-friendly European regions such as Benelux, DACH, and selected Nordic countries. The fund employs sustainability screening based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, selecting stable and resilient businesses.  

Building on the success of Robeco’s first private debt fund, the Bedrijfsleningenfonds (BLF), the SLF is managed by a pan-European private debt investment team. The team is part of Robeco’s Fixed Income department, which oversees around €60 billion in assets globally. Erik Hylarides, Lead Portfolio Manager, emphasized that the new SLF offers a unique opportunity for investors to gain exposure to sustainability-screened loans, aiming to create real-world impact by working with firms to improve the sustainable nature of their businesses. 


Read more: https://www.robeco.com/docm/docu-20230314-press-release-sustainable-loan-fund.pdf 

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